1. Blogerwiki

    මේ ගේම් එකේ graphics බලපල්ලා

    පිස්සු කොර ඇත්ත වගේ උනාමත් අවුල් වගේ නෙහ් මේ වගේ GTA එක තිබ්බා නම් කියලා වැඩක් නැහැ 2
  2. Blogerwiki

    Who Will Win Ukrain Russian War ?? (Poll)

    Who Will Win Ukrain Russian War ?? (Poll)
  3. Blogerwiki

    විසඳමුද බලන්න.☛ Megathread.★☆

    Here is the answer with proof Police Get 50% = X Police Gives 1000 = Y Remaining 1000 = 50% (100% - 50% = 50%) 50% = 1000 Y= 1000 50% = Y (Axioms) = Police had paid The Total Amount They Took. So, Only Rs.2000 At The Start Of Jouney
  4. Blogerwiki

    ගාල්ලේ මොනවද බන් බලන්න තියෙන්නේ එක දවසින්?

    Galle Beach, Samanala Park, Fort, Cricket, Museum, Beekka Resort, Unawatuna, KFC, Pizza Hut, Dominos,
  5. Blogerwiki

    කොහොමද WhatsApp Desktop එකට කනෙක්ට් කරගන්නෙ

    Stop All!!!!! ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ Uninstall Bluestaks, Nox, Memu, .... Remove all the dump emulators. They will slow down your PC and will not work well. You must check a forever solution. Install PrimeOs (Or A Similar. Eg- phoenix os) (You Can Dual Boot, So, You Can choose what os will you use when...
  6. Blogerwiki

    Frozen II

    I didn't watch it yet. I will watch on tommorow
  7. Blogerwiki

    Frozen II

  8. Blogerwiki

    Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars

    I Can't see your image
  9. Blogerwiki

    මේ බිස්නස් එක සාර්ථක වෙයිද?

    1. Domians gana weeksly spam check karanawa. Spammers inneth tokayi ne 2. Ai spammers la 0.99 dila ganne natthe? Hethuwa oya godak ewayi 2 years subscription thiyenna ona. thawa samahara welawata payment wadakaranneth naha Point: Why do spammers pay $3 when they can Pay $0.99 For Godaddy?
  10. Blogerwiki

    Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars

    A gang of sharp witted street kids save Sherlock Holmes from an accusation of murder and to help foil an audacious robbery. Watch Now - https://bloger.wiki/movies/sherlock-holmes-and-the-baker-street-irregulars/ (I will add subtitles on tomorrow)
  11. Blogerwiki

    මේ බිස්නස් එක සාර්ථක වෙයිද?

    1. Podi business ekak start karaddi risk eka adu wenawa 2. tech youtubers lage expences aduwenawa 3. business test karanna puluwan. 4. eka para gewanna ona naha. (India wage nam aniwaren illanawa) 5. Expenses adu wenawa (Busienss eka loss unoth) 6. succes unoth mata labayi 7. fail unath mata...
  12. Blogerwiki

    මේ බිස්නස් එක සාර්ථක වෙයිද?

    Domains quarterly purchase karanna puluwan. domain ekak cancell karam mama ewa site ekema sell karanawa. Danata podi idea ekak - https://www.canva.com/design/DAEoMwIPJ78/3PJ1HaV-6EDOoi6XScNDbg/view?utm_content=DAEoMwIPJ78&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink#1 මේ...
  13. Blogerwiki

    My First Wp Plugin (Developed By Me)

    Lottery Win Checker List Pharaphaser (Remove Plagiarism) Random Winner Checker Random Password Suggestion Travel Destination Randomizer Can Use To Play "KATA" By Giving numbers 2,5,9,15,18,... And win in the Awrudu season Mainly I Think It is for Plag and Lottery
  14. Blogerwiki

    My First Wp Plugin (Developed By Me)

    Hi! Hello, How Are You? Did You Check It? Are there any suggestions? ------ Post added on 1682058874
  15. Blogerwiki

    My First Wp Plugin (Developed By Me)

    The site pages are et dummy. But, the tool page created by the plugin is done completely. Here is The online tool made by me - https://hostinears.co/online-text-randomizer/
  16. Blogerwiki

    My First Wordpress Plugin And Tool | Online Text Randomizer

    My First Tool Made On WordPress with my Own plugin - https://hostinears.co/online-text-randomizer/ Note: I'm Developing the dummy site yet. Dn't check other pages. Just check on the tool page. I'm converting it to a hosting site and tools site ------ Post added on 1681984164
  17. Blogerwiki

    Duty After School (2023) TV Season 01 (සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමඟ)

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