1. nismok

    National Sustainability Discourse - ජාතික තිරසර කතිකාව

    අධ්‍යාපනය * විශ්වවිද්යාල තුල පවතින අමානුෂික නවක වධය නැවත්වීමට ගන්නා ක්‍රියාමාර්ග මොනවද? * 5 වසර ශිෂ්‍යත්ව සමත් ලකුණු තීරණ කිරීමේදී ඉතාමත් පහසුකම් සහිත කොළඹ ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලය සහ කිසිඳු පහසුකමක් නැති ගුරුවරුන් නොමැති ගම්බද ප්‍රදේශයක සමත් ලකුණත් එකම සමානයි. මෙය කුඩා දරුවන් වෙනුවෙන් කරන අසාධාරණයක් නොවේද?
  2. nismok

    NSBM Green university eka fail project ekakda?

    Good project!
  3. nismok

    Galle to Kandy

    Goto Kadawatha by Expressway then take Kandy - Colombo Road. Anyway there will be traffic in rush hours.
  4. nismok

    Chrome not opening :(

    Try this - https://www.google.com/chrome/cleanup-tool/
  5. nismok

    Muslims Are Not Terrorists

    Not all Muslims are terrorists. But most of terrorists are Muslims.
  6. nismok

    Central Bank vs MY3

    Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy Non-Executive Director Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy was appointed to the John Keells Holdings PLC Board in February 2011. He was an official in the Central Bank of Sri Lanka from 1974 till 1989. He worked in the Economic Research, Statistics and Bank Supervision...
  7. nismok

    dialog winpad ගත්තා

  8. nismok

    විදුලියෙන් ආරක්ෂා වෙමු

    විදුලියෙන් ආරක්ෂා වෙමු UjK5IJlRCAQ twUk9HX9KSY cJfcciZwcEc f4IczbgW4VY FJAgnQ7-jqs h8ggvIw5nQA HkggasWgsx4 j3V4FRcYBdU UV2AjBNu0L8 5-oWKdwjhZc dIZDwbwGhA4 yGPFfTsBRR8 CVTQKpXqZ4w _InuWtlD1Mk 633M5uy6oWo _HDe0SFpvYM cVfrbVgGuKg
  9. nismok

    Aircraft Size Comparison

  10. nismok

    Nangi ge Ali Damanaya

    Stupid parents!
  11. nismok

    Web Card හෙල්ප් එකක්

    It can do any online payment who accpets VISA.
  12. nismok

    .XYZ domain for $0.15

    All TLDs treated same in SEO. No advantage or disadvantage. https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2015/07/googles-handling-of-new-top-level.html https://plus.google.com/+JohnMueller/posts/3wYuk1ca96z
  13. nismok

    .XYZ domain for $0.15

    Get your hands on a superstar TLD now at a price that can't be beat. Looking for a unique and eye-catching domain extension? Look no further than the end of the alphabet. The .xyz domain transforms a universally recognizable, sequential a letter combination into an invitation to let your...
  14. nismok

    Passport Re-New help

    Call 1962 and ask. http://www.immigration.gov.lk/web/index.php?option=com_content&id=143&Itemid=193&lang=en
  15. nismok

    Nissan Wingroad car eka kohomada?

    2001 Y11 (1st Gen) model. 2002 Y11 (2nd Gen) - AERO RIDER
  16. nismok

    Nissan Wingroad car eka kohomada?

    Y11 2002 ? Good family vehicle. Similar to B15.
  17. nismok

    Hybrid Service

    Oil + Oil filter change, Air filter cleanup, Body and Under wash, Interior cleaning, Engine degreasing.
  18. nismok

    රු. 50,000/= කට විතර TV හොද එකක්

    Sharp 39 Full HD LED TV http://www.brownsgroup.com/products/product_info.php?pcode=522
  19. nismok

    Light weight responsive WP theme

    Try these too https://www.quemalabs.com/theme/shophistic-lite/ https://www.woothemes.com/storefront/ http://justpx.com/product/flat-shop-lite/ http://justpx.com/product/just-clean-shop-free/ http://justpx.com/product/jshop-free/ http://www.iograficathemes.com/downloads/store-wp/
  20. nismok

    Light weight responsive WP theme

    http://www.kadencethemes.com/product/virtue-free-theme/ http://demo.woothemes.com/?name=mystile http://themeisle.com/themes/shop-isle/ http://demo.athemes.com/themes/?theme=TheShop http://designmodo.com/free-wordpress-theme/

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