එදා JVP (NPP) විසින් චන්ද්‍රිකා මහින්ද ලවා ක්‍රියාත්මක කරවූ රටේ ආර්ථිකය කඩා වැට්ටවූ මෝඩ ප්‍රතිපත්ති


Well-known member
  • May 7, 2007
    රැකියා විරහිත උපාධි ධාරීන් කියල අවුරුද්දට 50,0000 විතර සංවර්ධන නිලාධාරි වගේ බොරු රස්සා හදලා රජයේ සේවකයෝ වැඩි කරන එක ගත්තත්, බිලියන ගණන් පාඩු උනත් restructure/privatise නොකර SOE දිගටම පවත්වාගෙන යාම ගත්තත්, cost එකට අඩුවෙන් fuel විකුණලා price formula නැතිව ceypetco බිලියන ගණන් පාඩු ලැබුව එක ගත්තත්, රජයේ සේවකයෝ ප්‍රමාණය අඩු නොකිරීම ගත්තත් ඔක්කොම JVP එකේ ප්‍රතිපත්ති. 2004-2005 චන්ද්‍රිකා එක්ක හැදුව 'රට පෙරට' ආණ්ඩුවට දාපු කොන්දේසි ඒවා, මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ලවා කරගත්තේ ඒවා. මහින්ද කරේ ඒවම දිගටම කරගෙන ආවා මිනිස්සු අන්දලා චන්ද ගන්න හොඳ හින්ද.

    Sri Lanka has a bloated public sector and loss-making state enterprises which the influential Marxists Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and previous Rajapaksa regimes have opposed privatizing.

    SOEs are stuffed full of political appointees and are also used by line ministers to get vehicles outside their official allocations.

    The public sector is also bloated with unemployed graduates each year, a strategy also popularized by the JVP which was picked up by then President Mahinda Rajapaksa from 2005 as an election winning strategy.

    බලගතු මාක්ස්වාදී ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුන (ජවිපෙ) සහ පසුගිය රාජපක්ෂ පාලනයන් පුද්ගලීකරනය කිරීමට විරුද්ධ වූ රාජ්‍ය අංශය සහ පාඩු ලබන රාජ්‍ය ව්‍යවසායන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සතුව ඇත.

    SOEs දේශපාලන පත්වීම් ලත් අයගෙන් පිරී ඇති අතර රේඛීය අමාත්‍යවරුන් විසින් ඔවුන්ගේ නිල ප්‍රතිපාදනවලට පිටින් වාහන ලබා ගැනීමට ද යොදා ගනී.

    රාජ්‍ය අංශය ද සෑම වසරකම රැකියා විරහිත උපාධිධාරීන්ගෙන් පිරී ඉතිරී යන අතර, 2005 වසරේ සිට මැතිවරණ ජයග්‍රාහී උපාය මාර්ගයක් ලෙස එවකට ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ විසින් තෝරා ගන්නා ලද ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ විසින් ද ප්‍රචලිත කළ උපාය මාර්ගයකි.

    - https://economynext.com/sri-lanka-t...-or-migrate-as-progressive-taxes-bite-107768/

    Sri Lanka’s JVP economic pillars questioned as forex shortages, default risks worsen

    ECONOMYNEXT – Three key policy pillars articulated by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna from 2001-2004 and embraced by a mainstream politician Mahinda Rajapaksa’s administration in 2005 are being questioned, as the country runs out of forex reserves amid money printing.

    From 2005, Sri Lanka halted privatization, started recruiting tens of thousands of unemployed graduates into the public service every year with lifetime pensions, bloating an already bloated public sector and denying any benefit of a peace dividend to the country.

    Sri Lanka also abandoned a price formula for fuel that had helped keep the rupee stable and inflation low from 2001 to 2003 even as global commodity prices went up from the ‘mother of all liquidity bubbles’ fired by the Federal Reserve from 2001.

    From 2001 to 2003, state workers fell from 1.164 million to 1.043 million. By 2020, the public sector cadre has grown to 1.58 million with another batch of 53,000 unemployed graduates being shovelled tax money.


    The JVP and statist-nationalists mainstreamed the ideology by describing privatization as ‘selling national assets’

    2001-2004 කාලය තුළ ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ විසින් ප්‍රකාශ කරන ලද සහ 2005 දී ප්‍රධාන ධාරාවේ දේශපාලනඥයෙකු වූ මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂගේ පාලනය විසින් වැලඳගත් ප්‍රධාන ප්‍රතිපත්ති කුළුණු තුනක්, මුදල් මුද්‍රණය මධ්‍යයේ රටේ විදේශ විනිමය සංචිත අවසන් වන විට ප්‍රශ්න කෙරෙමින් පවතී.

    2005 සිට ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පෞද්ගලීකරණය නවතා, ජීවිත කාලය පුරාවටම විශ්‍රාම වැටුප් සහිත රැකියා විරහිත උපාධිධාරීන් දස දහස් ගණනක් රාජ්‍ය සේවයට බඳවා ගැනීම ආරම්භ කළේය.

    2001 සිට US Federal Reserve විසින් නිකුත් කරන ලද ‘mother of all liquidity bubbles’ වෙතින් ගෝලීය භාණ්ඩ මිල ඉහළ ගියත්, 2001 සිට 2003 දක්වා රුපියල ස්ථාවරව තබා ගැනීමට සහ උද්ධමනය පහළ මට්ටමක තබා ගැනීමට උපකාරී වූ ඉන්ධන සඳහා මිල සූත්‍රයක් ද ශ්‍රී ලංකාව අතහැර දැමීය.

    2001 සිට 2003 දක්වා රාජ්‍ය සේවකයින් මිලියන 1.164 සිට මිලියන 1.043 දක්වා පහත වැටී ඇත. 2020 වන විට රාජ්‍ය අංශයේ සේවක සංඛ්‍යාව මිලියන 1.58 දක්වා වර්ධනය වී ඇත්තේ තවත් රැකියා විරහිත උපාධිධාරීන් 53,000 ක පිරිසකට බදු මුදල් ගසා කමිනි.

    ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ සහ statist-ජාතිකවාදීන් පුද්ගලීකරනය 'ජාතික වත්කම් විකිණීම' ලෙස විස්තර කරමින් මතවාදය ප්‍රධාන ධාරාවට ගෙන ගිය අතර...

    - https://economynext.com/sri-lankas-...s-forex-shortages-default-risks-worsen-89221/

    Sri Lanka started to expand the state giving jobs to unemployed graduates under a policy articulated by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna from 2001 to 2004 and was co-opted by ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s ‘Rata Perata’ economic framework to defeat current President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

    The JVP at the time slammed Wickremesinghe for ‘raj-ya sevaya kappadu kireemer’ (trimming the state service) which was embraced by the urban intelligensia who developed the Rata Perata economic framework.

    2001 සිට 2004 දක්වා ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ විසින් ප්‍රකාශ කරන ලද ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් යටතේ රැකියා විරහිත උපාධිධාරීන්ට රැකියා ලබාදීමේ රාජ්‍යය පුළුල් කිරීමට ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ආරම්භ කළ අතර වත්මන් ජනාධිපති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ පරාජය කිරීම සඳහා හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂගේ ‘රට පෙරට’ ආර්ථික රාමුවට සම්බන්ධ විය.

    රට පෙරට ආර්ථික රාමුව ගොඩනැගූ නාගරික බුද්ධිමතුන් විසින් වැලඳගත් ‘රාජ්‍ය සේවය කප්පාදු කිරීම' ගැන ජවිපෙ එකල වික්‍රමසිංහට බැන වැදුණි.

    - https://economynext.com/money-to-pa...s-on-january-25-mostly-found-minister-110004/

    Sri Lanka sees virtues of a fuel price formula as key JVP policy questioned

    Wednesday December 22, 2021 8:46 am

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka’s ruling administration is now seeing virtues of a fuel price formula which was mocked during the last administration a minister said as the country faced forex troubles after money printing and global commodity prices also rose amid loose US policy.
    Sri Lanka introduced a fuel price formula after the 2000/2001 balance of payments crisis, but Sri Lanka’s Marxist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna slammed the policy at the time.

    Current Minister Wimal Weerawansa, then in the JVP called it a ‘World Bank plug’ and it was embraced by the ‘Rata Perata’ framework of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    මුදල් මුද්‍රණයෙන් පසු රට විදේශ විනිමය ගැටලුවලට මුහුණ දුන් බවත්, එක්සත් ජනපදයේ ලිහිල් ප්‍රතිපත්තිය මධ්‍යයේ ගෝලීය භාණ්ඩ මිල ද ඉහළ ගිය බවත්, පසුගිය පාලන සමයේ සමච්චලයට ලක් වූ ඉන්ධන මිල සූත්‍රයක ගුණ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ පාලක පරිපාලනය දැන් දකිමින් සිටින බව අමාත්‍යවරයකු පැවසීය.

    2000/2001 ගෙවුම් ශේෂ අර්බුදයෙන් පසු ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ඉන්ධන මිල සූත්‍රයක් හඳුන්වා දුන් නමුත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ මාක්ස්වාදී ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ එකල ප්‍රතිපත්තියට දොස් පැවරීය.

    එවකට ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණේ සිටි වත්මන් අමාත්‍ය විමල් වීරවංශ එය ‘ලෝක බැංකු plug’ ලෙස හැඳින්වූ අතර එය මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ ‘රට පෙරට’ රාමුව විසින් වැළඳ ගන්නා ලදී.

    - https://economynext.com/sri-lanka-s...e-formula-as-key-jvp-policy-questioned-89005/

    ඒ 2005 නේ. NPP හැවක් දාගෙන එන JVP ප්‍රතිපත්ති 2023 ත් ඒවගේම තමයි. 😁


    Coma එකක හිටිය අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක :lol:

    Last edited:


    Well-known member
  • Oct 25, 2010
    JVP එක තමා බලයේ ඉන්න පක්ෂ වලට බලපෑම් කරලා රාජ්‍ය සේවකයන් ලක්ෂ ගනන් ස්ථීර කරේ
    දැන් නම් එනවා රට හදන්න පුක දෙන්න
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    Well-known member
  • May 12, 2015
    JVP එක තමා බලයේ ඉන්න පක්ෂ වලට බලපෑම් කරලා රාජ්‍ය සේවකයන් ලක්ෂ ගනන් ස්ථීර කරේ
    දැන් නම් එනවා රට හදන්න පුක දෙන්න

    අනේ යකෝ.කොටින්ට සෙනග හදල දුන්නේ මහිදම තමා.
    • Haha
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    John Dutton

    Well-known member
  • Feb 11, 2023
    I am voting for NPP and not one to be swayed by the same old tune and dance. 75 years of the same old song and dance from those other parties? No thank you. They have been busy doing what they do best.robbing this fine country blind.


    Well-known member
  • May 7, 2007

    වී V FM කිව්වහම මතක් උනේ ජෙප්පෝ අල්ලස් හැටියට කෝටි ගණන් වටින radio tv licenses ගත්ත හැටි 😁

    "JVP losing its voice

    The VFM (or Victory FM) is the radio channel, which the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) obtained when it was a bosom partner in the UPFA government.

    After it quit the government, the radio became a vocal critic of the Rajapaksa administration. Now, the radio station is in a crisis after changes in share holdings. Those who appear to be in control no longer share JVP ideals posing serious concerns for the party leadership.

    The licence for the radio station was acquired when Wimal Weerawansa, now a Minister, was in the JVP."

    - https://www.sundaytimes.lk/101017/Columns/cafe.html

    FMM Condemned Providing TV/Radio licenses to JVP​

    Free Media Movement (FMM) condemned a statement made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) on 10th February 2007. The full speech was telecast on state controlled Television station Rupavahini.

    16 years ago
    February 15, 2007
    Free Media Movement (FMM) condemned a statement made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) on 10th February 2007. The full speech was telecast on state controlled Television station Rupavahini.
    The President states in this speech, that he provided TV and a Radio licenses to the JVP as a way of recognising the support they rendered to him in the presidential election campaign.
    Full text of FMM’s press release follows:
    The Free Media Movement (FMM) registers its serious disquiet over aspects of the speech related to media, made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) on 10th February 2007. The full speech was telecast on state controlled Television station Rupavahini.
    The President in his speech states that he provided TV and a Radio licenses to the JVP (People’s Liberation Front) as a way of recognising the support they rendered to him in the presidential election campaign.
    We are disturbed to hear this. Regrettably, it is the practice of successive governments to show partisan favour in the provision of TV and radio liaisons to businessmen and political parties who supported them at elections, with scant regard for the ethics of such practices, or the serious implications on media regulations that are in place in part to ensure that such practices are kept at bay.
    The question now arises as to how many other political parties are entitled to claim a TV and Radio liaison given their support to the incumbent President and his government.
    We also note that although the government admits to the provision of TV and Radio liaisons based on political favouritism, they continue to refuse licenses to establish independent community radio stations.
    Clearly, this nepotism and political favouritism is detrimental to the development of free media. The FMM has always maintained that the air-waves, as a public good, should be regulated accordingly in a transparent manner through a constitutionally established public service broadcasting authority.
    We also wish to register our consternation over the President’s coments that criticised several Sinhala languane weekly newspapers for publishing articles that featured interviews with leaders of the LTTE, highlighted the humanitarian crisis in the North and East of Sri Lanka and exposed corruption.
    The FMM believes that the role of professional, free media is one in which it acts as a watchdog of democracy. As noted in our statement on 9th February, throughout the past years we have consistently condemned the harassment of media persons and of media institutions and the undermining of the right to the freedom of expression of all citizens of this country.
    We stand firmly in opposition to all measures that seek to deny or curtail media freedoms, and would like to remind the Government of its commitments under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, amongst other rights instruments which it has signed and ratified, to secure and strengthen the freedom of expression, the public’s right to know and media freedom in Sri Lanka.

    - https://nidahasa.com/en/2007/02/15/fmm-condemned-providing-tvradio-licenses-to-jvp/
    • Haha
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    Well-known member
  • Mar 19, 2011
    Baluwama godak Ayata job deela thiyenne jvp eken ne. E unata un kawadawath pampori gahala Chanda ganna giye na.

    John Dutton

    Well-known member
  • Feb 11, 2023
    වී V FM කිව්වහම මතක් උනේ ජෙප්පෝ අල්ලස් හැටියට කෝටි ගණන් වටින radio tv licenses ගත්ත හැටි 😁

    "JVP losing its voice

    The VFM (or Victory FM) is the radio channel, which the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) obtained when it was a bosom partner in the UPFA government.

    After it quit the government, the radio became a vocal critic of the Rajapaksa administration. Now, the radio station is in a crisis after changes in share holdings. Those who appear to be in control no longer share JVP ideals posing serious concerns for the party leadership.

    The licence for the radio station was acquired when Wimal Weerawansa, now a Minister, was in the JVP."

    - https://www.sundaytimes.lk/101017/Columns/cafe.html

    FMM Condemned Providing TV/Radio licenses to JVP​

    Free Media Movement (FMM) condemned a statement made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) on 10th February 2007. The full speech was telecast on state controlled Television station Rupavahini.

    16 years ago
    February 15, 2007
    Free Media Movement (FMM) condemned a statement made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) on 10th February 2007. The full speech was telecast on state controlled Television station Rupavahini.
    The President states in this speech, that he provided TV and a Radio licenses to the JVP as a way of recognising the support they rendered to him in the presidential election campaign.
    Full text of FMM’s press release follows:
    The Free Media Movement (FMM) registers its serious disquiet over aspects of the speech related to media, made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) on 10th February 2007. The full speech was telecast on state controlled Television station Rupavahini.
    The President in his speech states that he provided TV and a Radio licenses to the JVP (People’s Liberation Front) as a way of recognising the support they rendered to him in the presidential election campaign.
    We are disturbed to hear this. Regrettably, it is the practice of successive governments to show partisan favour in the provision of TV and radio liaisons to businessmen and political parties who supported them at elections, with scant regard for the ethics of such practices, or the serious implications on media regulations that are in place in part to ensure that such practices are kept at bay.
    The question now arises as to how many other political parties are entitled to claim a TV and Radio liaison given their support to the incumbent President and his government.
    We also note that although the government admits to the provision of TV and Radio liaisons based on political favouritism, they continue to refuse licenses to establish independent community radio stations.
    Clearly, this nepotism and political favouritism is detrimental to the development of free media. The FMM has always maintained that the air-waves, as a public good, should be regulated accordingly in a transparent manner through a constitutionally established public service broadcasting authority.
    We also wish to register our consternation over the President’s coments that criticised several Sinhala languane weekly newspapers for publishing articles that featured interviews with leaders of the LTTE, highlighted the humanitarian crisis in the North and East of Sri Lanka and exposed corruption.
    The FMM believes that the role of professional, free media is one in which it acts as a watchdog of democracy. As noted in our statement on 9th February, throughout the past years we have consistently condemned the harassment of media persons and of media institutions and the undermining of the right to the freedom of expression of all citizens of this country.
    We stand firmly in opposition to all measures that seek to deny or curtail media freedoms, and would like to remind the Government of its commitments under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, amongst other rights instruments which it has signed and ratified, to secure and strengthen the freedom of expression, the public’s right to know and media freedom in Sri Lanka.

    - https://nidahasa.com/en/2007/02/15/fmm-condemned-providing-tvradio-licenses-to-jvp/
    if VFM is giving JVP a tough time, how can you say they are throwing them a parade? It looks like wimal has got things covered 😂


    Well-known member
  • Feb 1, 2022
    -2005 චන්ද්‍රිකා එක්ක හැදුව 'රට පෙරට' ආණ්ඩුවට දාපු කොන්දේසි ඒවා, මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ලවා කරගත්තේ ඒවා. මහින්ද කරේ ඒවම දිගටම කරගෙන ආවා මිනිස්සු අන්දලා චන්ද ගන්න හොඳ හින්ද.
    මහින්ද හෙන පොන්නයෙක්නේ බලන් ගියාම jvp එකට ඕනෙ විදිහට නටල මෝඩ හුත්තා 😂😂


    Well-known member
  • Jul 19, 2008
    JVP එක තමා බලයේ ඉන්න පක්ෂ වලට බලපෑම් කරලා රාජ්‍ය සේවකයන් ලක්ෂ ගනන් ස්ථීර කරේ
    දැන් නම් එනවා රට හදන්න පුක දෙන්න

    balaye inna paksha rajya sawakayo aragattata sthira kale naneh.. sirawata, mun tika hinda tamai rajya sewakayo wadi une.. uba kiyanne atta tamai..

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    Well-known member
  • Sep 28, 2011
    JVP එක තමා බලයේ ඉන්න පක්ෂ වලට බලපෑම් කරලා රාජ්‍ය සේවකයන් ලක්ෂ ගනන් ස්ථීර කරේ
    දැන් නම් එනවා රට හදන්න පුක දෙන්න
    ජෙප්පො කියන කියන විදියට නාකි මයිනා නටලා නේද? නොදකින් :lol:
    • Haha
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    Well-known member
  • Oct 6, 2007
    මහින්ද හෙන පොන්නයෙක්නේ බලන් ගියාම jvp එකට ඕනෙ විදිහට නටල මෝඩ හුත්තා 😂😂
    එක නෙහැ බන් දැන් බලන් ගියාම යුද්දේ කරලා තියෙන්ත් JVP එකන් නෙහැ
    මහින්දයා නමට ඉදලා තියන්නේ :D :D
    බයියෝම කියනවා නෙහැ උ මුකුත් කලේ නෑ කියලා


    Well-known member
  • May 7, 2007

    NPP කිව්වට පරණ වාමාශික මාක්ස්වාදී 'අධිරාජ්‍ය විරෝධී' වැඩවර්ජන හණමිටි ජෙප්පො දැන් නිෂ්පාදනය වැඩි කරනවලු GDP double කරනවලු. Factory පවත්වාගෙන යන්න උන් එක්ක සාම ගිවිසුම් ගහන්න ඕනේ උන්ට කප්පම් ගෙවන්න ඕනේ.​

    Unilever signs peace pact with JVP​

    16th September 2001
    Landmark collective agreement ends 9-month dispute

    By Chanakya Dissanayake​

    Unilever Ceylon Ltd (UCL), helped by the entry of a new chairman, has entered into a landmark collective agreement with a JVP union, ending a nine-month dispute about the proposed factory expansion at Sapugaskanda.
    The expansion of soap production lines from the existing factory at Colombo 13 to a plant at Sapugaskanda, was originally planned for the beginning of 2001. However, due to a crippling protest campaign led by the JVP trade union demanding higher compensation, the expansion was put on hold resulting in heavy losses.

    Mike Thompson, UCL chairman at the time, told the Sunday Times Business Desk in an exclusive interview some months ago, that the company may even pull out its production facilities if the labour force continues to resist change.

    Ehsan Malik, the new UCL chairman who took over from Thompson this month, said the company had achieved a breakthrough in employee relations by making the trade union understand the need for change.

    "We have better communication with our trade union now. They have realised the reasons for expansion," Malik said. " I can't say whether we should have done this six months ago. But I am certainly happy that we have settled the matter," he added.

    S. Amarasinghe, secretary of the JVP union (former JVP MP දැන් බැසිල්ගේ ගොට්ටෙක් ) at Unilever said at a time when the JVP is being blamed for all the corporate ills "we were able to show the whole country how to win demands by peaceful means". Union sources said the JVP union may not represent the company's entire workforce but its demands then were backed by other unions.

    The production line expansion at Sapugaskanda will realise efficiency gains leading to an increase in output and increase UCL's competitiveness in the region. "The gains we realise through the expansion could eventually lead to exporting the products to the region," Malik said.

    Meanwhile, the labour dispute at the UCL's Walls ice cream plant which led to the plant been closed down, is now in the arbitration process. Malik indicated that the company might reopen the plant if an amicable settlement is reached with the workforce, again led by the JVP union.

    There is speculation that if Unilever decides to close down its Walls operation, the John Keells (JKH) group might make an offer to acquire the factory.

    If JKH took over this business, it would have a virtual monopoly status in the local ice cream industry through its Elephant House range. "If Unilever decides to sell its Walls factory, we may consider the option of acquiring it," JKH deputy chairman Jagath Fernando said when asked for his comments.

    UCL has been operating in Sri Lanka for the past 60 years and enjoys leading market shares in almost all the consumer product categories. Its country performance indicator - share of wallet, which measures the proportion an average consumer spends on Unilever products in day-to-day activities, stands at 2% - 3% in Sri Lanka. This is the highest for Unilever in the South Asian region.

    UCL offers 14 brands in Sri Lanka, but most of its revenue comes from laundry and washing products. Its largest brand, Sunlight, enjoys an 80% market share in the laundry product market.

    "The scope of growth in the laundry market is limited. In 3 - 5 years time I want most of the revenue to come from personal care products," Malik said.

    The company is planning to introduce premium personal care products including shower gels and its top end toilet soap, Dove. "Timing is essential for the introduction of premium products. We expect the Sri Lankan economy to recover in the near future and then we will introduce the value added products," Malik said. Commenting on competition from local producers, he said the company has introduced an "enterprise culture" to eliminate straight-jacketed management styles and improve flexibility in decision-making.

    "We have created multi-disciplined brand teams around our products. A given team will be autonomous and will include 7 - 8 managers from all functions. This will improve our responsiveness to local competition," he said.

    - https://www.sundaytimes.lk/010916/busm.html

    SRI LANKA: Unilever closes Wall’s ice cream factory over labour dispute​

    Anglo-Dutch conglomerate Unilever has suspended operations at its Wall's ice cream factory in Sri Lanka after employees downed tools over a pay dispute.

    The employees had staged a picket after the secretary of a branch union was fired. The company commented that employees had gone out on strike “following disciplinary action taken against two employees who disrupted the agreed production process”. In a statement, Unilever said that demands from a branch union had been rejected as unreasonable and subsequent action has been seen as “holding the company to ranson”.
    However, Vijitha Herath, head of the Inter Company Workers Union, said that that have been no threats or intimidation.
    Earlier this year, speculation was rife that Unilever may pull out of Sri Lanka altogether, as labour unrest had slowed production and earnings growth. The latest events make this possibility even more likely.
