රණවිරු උපහාරයන්හි නො දුටු පැතිකඩක්‌ ඉස්‌


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  • Feb 25, 2009
    Death Vally









    Well-known member
  • Feb 21, 2008
    upon purple clouds
    i just finished watching the movie..and gta say ..it didn't stand up to its hype. and the person who wrote this article, i wonder, if have seen any other anti war movies..cos movies like deer hunter shows much more than how war and it's stress affect natural human behaviors..

    only thing that is evident thru this movie is how lost american soldiers who were in iraq was ..they have no cause to be there they are not fighting for their country nor freedom ..that is merely evident thru the characters of that black guy and the other guy who gets one in the leg at the end.
    but the lead character of course a typical american hero who glorifies war and american involvement in it possibly..he's reckless, have but little patience for rules, and mostly obscure...thru his actions and heroism this movie sucks hell of a lot up to it's audience...and i don't think his charactor has any basis of real events that took place...and it's no wonder this movie won the best picture prize ..oscars love this sorta movies..prime example would be saving private ryan...

    and seriously this moveis lacked any plot development..it just circled around the same thing on and on ..i almost got bored looking at the same thing for more than one time..and direction wasn't perfect either ..how this director got her award is totally beyond me...at one scene a bomb goes off and james, who fell down, opens his eyes to a site of a kite...i mean what the hell is that? bombs go off and you play with your kite still??

    this is a pretty average movie all and all. but enjoyable all the same..

    if this is the best war movie you've seen please watch movies like platoon, apocalypse now, deer hunter or the thin red line.


    Well-known member
  • Feb 21, 2008
    upon purple clouds
    Wonder if the person who wrote that article actually watched the movie.
    The scenes of Sgt. James, civilian life is so brief that it hardly displays any of the "symptoms" he speaks of.
    The disorientation at the supermarket can be attributed to the sudden change of the environment as well.
    Also the scene in which he calls home but is unable to speak is not due to social detachment as this guy says but he's too overcome by emotion.
    He takes that call after disarming a human bomb that was placed in a child that he befriended some time earlier. That this same child was killed and turned in to a bomb and that, in order to disarm it, he had to cut open the child's torso and put his hands in, hardly something anyone wants to do, made him extremely emotional. Especially as he's a father and has a young son himself. The initial plan was to blow up the human bomb instead of disarming it. But he was unable to bring himself to actually blow up the child's body. Instead, he disarms the bomb and carries the body back to the truck.
    Thats why, on hearing his family's voices over the phone, that he was too overcome to speak.

    totally agree with you ..all that guy have are some family problems..he doesn't love his wife he clearly says that he only loves his son and that's all he really love...and his indifference to the risk and danger might be how they tried to portray that catch line they used about war being addictive...


    Well-known member
  • Feb 21, 2008
    upon purple clouds

    විශිෂ්ට චිත්‍රපටයක්‌ යනු ඉහළ ම ආදායම් වාර්තා තබමින් අති මහත් ප්‍රේක්‍ෂක බහුතරයක්‌ නරඹන්නා වූ චිත්‍රපටයකි.

    this shows how little the one who wrote this article knows about movies :P


    Well-known member
  • Jul 6, 2006
    Inside Your Laptop ;)

    The Hurt Locker (2008) | වීරයෙක් නොවේ.. [සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමඟින්]

    අපි ඔබට තිළිණ කරන්නේ ලොව ජනප්‍රියම චිත්‍රපට අතර ගැවසෙන IMDB රේටින්ග්ස් වල 8.0/10 ක් ලබා ගෙන තියෙන චිත්‍රපටයක්…

    සම්මාන 8ක් හා වැනීස සිනමා උළලේ හොඳම චිත්‍රපටය ලෙසටද නාම යෝජනා වෙලා තියෙන මේ ෆිල්ම් එක, ත්‍රාස්‍ය ජනක හා යුධමය චිත්‍රපට වලටයි, නාට්‍යම චිත්‍රපට වලටයි, ආස අය මේකට කැමති වෙයි.

    මේ අපගේ පළමු වන ලිපිය වන අතර ඒ සමඟම සිංහල උපසිරැසි ද, තිළිණ කරන්නේ ඉමහත් සතුටිනී.

    ඉරාක යුධ සමයේ නොපෙනෙන වීරයන් ලෙස බෝම්බ නිෂ්ක්‍රීය කරමින් මහජනතාවගේද, සහෝදර සොල්දාදුවන්ගේද, ජීවිත බේරා ගත් බෝම්බ නිෂ්ක්‍රීය කරන කණ්ඩායමක නායකයෙකුගේ දින කීපයක් මෙම චිත්‍රපටයට පාදක වී ඇත. තවද, ඉරාකයේ ත්‍රස්තවාදීකණ්ඩායම් අවුල් වුන යුද්ධයක යෙදෙමින් සෑම තැනම බෝම්බ අටවමින් සිටින අවස්ථාවක, අති විශිෂ්ට බෝම්බ නිශ්ක්‍රීය කණ්ඩායමක අවශ්‍යතාව තදින්ම දැනෙන්නේ නාගරික ප්‍රදේශ වලට වන අතර ඒවා, එම නගර වල තිබෙන අති ප්‍රබල කාගෙත් පොදු සතුරෙක් වන, සෑම කෙනෙකුටම මාරාන්තික වන බෝම්බයක් විය හැකි බැවිනි.

    කොයි වෙලාවකවත් අවසානය හිතා ගන්න බැරි තරම් අවස්ථා ගණනාවක් මේ චිත්‍රපටියේ තියෙනවා. ඉතින් ඒ හින්දා ඔයාලත් ඉක්මනටම මේ ෆිල්ම් එක බාගෙන බලන්න.