wat is happanin meka maha kumanthranayak....1st lich is brainwashd...nw ppl are nt votin for brazil...wel lich if u did dat 4 ur gal....no comments....
machan deffa no one can say anything from a poll ne.... even million people vote for duetche, only brazil is gonna win in da finals... so who cares about this poll ah??? mona poll eka danmath match eka yane brazil play karana vidiyata ne... so who cares men... and don't worry brazil will win no matter wat.... and ur right about lich hehehe
Well Iam sure sumone gonna win this thing ahhahahah lol yeah it is abviously .... humm i cant even remember what i voted 4 ....yeah its gonna be Germany !!! Yeah!!! Klar!! Deutschland wird gewinnen!!