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  • So many ppl praise the siggy u made for me machan
    Just wanna say thank u and I owe u :D
    Hope u have finished your waiting list at that time :P :D
    Wow that means you have so many experiences nah. Many of ElaKiriyan asked bout my/our siggy at that time and all of the time I pointed them to you I dunno how many of them took the best use of it contacting you :D
    ya man in your own word "Elakiri eke mama hadapu siggy valin lassanatama image mix karapu eka ube sigiya" I still can remember that words along with yo help man :D
    So hope everything will be fine and u have time to spend with us :D
    Hehe thx a lot machan But im xtremly ok wi this one machan
    Meka maxxa sigiya kiyala goda denek kiyala thiyenava thx to u :D
    Puluvannam anik ayatat hadala denna balapan kollo :D
    I'll send u some other guys whos looking for a siggy :D
    Hi bro long time no see
    And BTW thnk u once again for the siggy machan :D
    I seriously wnted that siggy made by u under the siggy coz that is the least I can do
    But we cant use more than 1000 characters na
    SO if I cud i'll not able to put other stuffs
    Good bye machan :D and thk u once again :D
    aloz.z.z..z...bro.........hw mcn.................ai dan EK patte enne natte mcn.z.z.z.....:):):):):):):):):)
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