Design and implement a microservice responsible for handling user authentication and authorization. This microservice should integrate with other microservices and adhere to best practices for security, scalability, and maintainability. For an example create 3 different microservices customer, product, order and communicate with each other.
(1) Authentication and Authorization:
Implement JWT-based authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Support role-based access control (RBAC) for different user roles.
(2) External Integration:
Integrate the authentication microservice with other microservices in the
system. Demonstrate how other microservices can securely authenticate and authorize requests. (Ex - customer, product, order services)
(3) Scalability:
Design the microservice to handle many concurrent authentication requests. Implement strategies for horizontal scaling.
(4) Event-Driven Architecture:
Implement an event-driven architecture for user-related events.
Demonstrate how events are published and consumed by other
(5) Caching and Optimizations:
Implement caching mechanisms to optimizeauthentication and authorization
processes. Apply optimizations to reduce response times for common
(6) Fault Tolerance:
Implement fault tolerance measures, such as circuit breakers and retry
Mechanisms. Demonstrate how the microservice handles failures gracefully.
meka thamai requirement eka